Our Jr High & HS Monarch cheerleaders are off to cheer camp for the day in Hoisington!
Our Junior High Monarch Music students ministered at Mass this morning. This year's group is lead by seniors Breanna Seiler and Jake Brady. We say a special "thank you" to Mrs. Carol Brull who is our volunteer accompanist.
The Algebra 2 classes worked hard these last two days and got super creative, turning their "all real numbers" projects into a fun math adventure that made every number come to life!
The class of 2025 is starting the year in a celebratory mood! Most members of the senior class set their alarms early to share a senior sunrise. Seniors and some parents met on campus around 6:15 a.m. to eat breakfast, take some pictures, watch the sunrise, and spend the day in pajama pants or sweats. Thank you senior parents who provided the breakfast. Also, thank you Riley Frank and other senior students who spearheaded the event. Thank you Fr. Brian McCaffrey who showed up very early to lead a blessing for the class. Here's to a great 2024-25!
Sign up your little cheerleader to join us for Mini Cheer Camp!! Click on the link below and we will see you there!
Picture Day is Sep. 4! If you prefer to order and pay for your TMP-M school pictures on-line, here is the QR code and link. Paper envelope order forms are still available in the office.
Access Code: Q94WX6
Today all returning HS students received their 2023-2024 Yearbooks. I know the staff and I are so very proud of our final product and hope you enjoy them too. If you are a 2024 graduate, or a parent of a graduate, please feel free to stop by the Alumni Office next week to pick up your copy.
Thank you Monarchs for a great first day of school!
Mostly, I get a "good" when I ask my kids how their day at school was. If you can relate, then this is for you. Here's a short video (thank you Heuer) and quick written summary of the first day of 2024-25.
1. Beautiful cool morning to welcome students back on chalk-decorated sidewalks
2. All-school Mass with upbeat smiles and voices, amazing message from Fr. Brian McCaffrey on St. Bernard of Clairvaux, and the Eucharist!
3. Eucharistic procession into our beautiful grotto to say thank you to Our Lady.
4. Adoration and Benediction in the gym
5. Welcome from HS StuCo and introduction of our theme - AURA (Academic, United, Responsible, and Ambitious)
6. A quick game to get up and moving together
7. Messages for the Monarchs - Unity, Dignity for All, and Gratitude
After the messages, students followed their class schedule on a shortened schedule, had a delicious lunch of Frito Chili Pie, and dismissed at 1 p.m.
Here's the video on gratitude the high school students watched together before starting their classes
(scroll down and play "A Grateful Day")
We are so grateful for our families, parishes, and community. God bless and have a great school year!
Can you believe it's almost back to school?!
This year's TMP High School Key Club officers are already back to spreading kindness and cheer...Welcome bags for Freshmen and new students! See you Monday!
Hello everyone! Pop Singer auditions are fast approaching and Mr. Befort hopes to see many of you audition!
Audition Dates are Tuesday, August 20 from 3:30:-5:30 and Thursday, August 22 from 5:00-7:00. Pop Singers are a select group of students from Freshman to Seniors at TMP-Marian. The audition will consist of two parts, a pitch retention test in the choir room and a singing audition in the band room.
The Pitch Retention test will help to determine how well you stay in a given key and this will be done to help determine what voice part you will be assigned to (this can change throughout the year depending on changing voices or need in the ensemble.)
The singing audition will consist of two pieces: a prepared piece selected by the student (that is school appropriate, preferably not rap, it is a singing audition) and the singing of the National Anthem or Amazing Grace. The student will tell the accompanist what their starting key will be in at the time of the audition. If there is concern as to what key to start in please contact Mr. Befort prior to your audition.
All students, including those that were prior members of the ensemble will need to audition.
Hope to see you all there and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! Mr. Max Befort - befortm@tmpmarian.org
New Toy for Future Creative Learning Building
Thomas More Prep-Marian's Career and Technical Education (CTE) department has a new toy. Teacher Matt Brown set up and tested the school's new Boss LS1630 laser cutter on Aug. 7.
While the Creative Learning Building (CLB) is being constructed, this machine is immediately accessible to students and staff in the school's current shop. The Boss laser cutter can engrave, cut, and emboss various materials such as anodized aluminum, wood, glass, and plastics. Both junior high and high school students will be able to train and work with this amazing tool. It will impact content areas including art, engineering, business, math, science, and CTE!
Sample video of laser cutter in action - https://youtu.be/M7emZ098iZ0
Many more amazing tools and technology are on the way for the new CLB.
Updated construction schedules shows going out to bid for dirt and concrete work in Aug/Sep. That work is expected to be completed towards the end of the year (weather permitting) so that exterior building construction can begin in January/Feb 2025.
Thank you everyone who has supported and continues to support the CLB, career and technical programs, and creative learning for all students at TMP-Marian!
TMP-Marian is looking for a high school assistant volleyball coach for the upcoming season. To apply, click on the link below:
JH Cheer camp concluded yesterday. We had a great four days of learning new cheers and skills. The new girls were so excited to receive their cheer bags filled with the uniforms, bows, and especially the POMS! They are real cheerleaders now!
JR. High Cheer Camp started this week. The varsity cheer squad is doing a great job leading the girls in cheers and stunt work. The girls will be ready to show their Monarch Spirit when the football season starts!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the TMP-M Grotto clean up!
“Once you realize that EARTH & HEART have the same letters it all makes sense…”
Dustin Schumacher Family
Cody Marintzer Family
Josh Dreher Family
Aaron Gillespie Family
Dave & Donna Ward
Kenny Sweeney
Regeena’s Flowers
TMP Maintenance Staff
Our JH Cheer practice started today. Our varsity team came in to help teach the girls the basics of cheer. JH Cheer camp starts next week. We are gearing up for a great year of Monarch spirit and fun!
Our Monarch Varsity Cheer Squad participated in NCA Cheer Camp this week. The girls did a great job and learned some new cheers and dances to show off this year! Special shout out to the girls who tried out for the NCA All-American Squad. We had two make the team this year! What a wonderful accomplishment!
The Lady Monarch Little Girl's Basketball camp concluded this morning. We had 36 girls from second through 6th grade who attended each day. They did AMAZING! What a wonderful, fun, and very respectful group to work with. A special shout out goes to the Seniors who planned and led the camp. Also, a huge thank you to all the Lady Monarchs who helped coach these "little girls" throughout the week. What a special group of ladies!
The Lady Monarch Basketball team members chose a Most Improved Player and the overall Camper of the Week for the Little Girl's camp that concluded today. The winner of the Most Improved Player was 2nd grader, Kendyl Ford. The winner of the Camper of the Week was 5th grader Riley Dennis. Great job Kendyl and Riley and all the campers throughout the week. You all did amazing!
Free Throw winners for the Lady Monarch Little Girl's Basketball camp were:
2nd grade: Stella Wilkens
3rd grade: Myah Dreiling
4th grade: Brynlee Bauck
5th grade: Riley Dennis
6th grade: Harper Nicholl