Why is TMP-Marian an ideal option for your 5th or 8th Grader?
Come see why - https://www.tmp-m.org/o/tmpm/page/monarch-for-a-day
No obligation Monarch for a Day is on Jan. 16. Sign up today!
The FBLA Krispy Kreme pick up date has been changed from Monday, January 6th to Tuesday, January 21st because of the impending winter storm this weekend. January 21st is an early release day and students will be able to pick up their orders for delivery before they leave school that day.
Thank you for your understanding!
Thank you to Dave and Donna Ward, Erika Litson, Monarch Music, Rebecca Augustine, Rick Binder, Melissa Pinkney, StuCo, Fr. Brian McCaffrey, and all the others who helped put on a wonderful lighting of the Grotto last night. All are welcome to come out to enjoy the beauty and joy of the season!
Please join us in celebrating the advent season at our Grotto Christmas Lighting Event! We will have hot cocoa, cookies, a live nativity scene, coloring for kids, and singing by Monarch Music. The event will be TODAY at 6:30 pm and the blessing and lighting will begin at 7:30 pm. The weather looks great so join us for some warm beverages and time to connect with the community.
Like band teacher like band student... We had Christmas dress down day for the high school on Wednesday and these two accidentally wore the same ensemble. It was a nice day of fun before two days of finals!
Builders Club officers awarded the December Junior Monarchs of the Month. Congratulations to Tateum Flax and Hannah Flax for receiving this award! 🎊
Host Families Still Urgently Needed
We still need 6 host families for our Argentinian students and chaperone.
The students are here from Jan. 5-Feb. 12. The host family promises to provide meals on weekends and the evening meal during school days. The school provides the breakfast and lunch on school days. The family will provide transportation to and from school, and that is usually done by riding along with the host sister or brother.
The host family receives a $550 stipend to help offset the costs of hosting. The school receives $500 for each student that is hosted, so the school benefits financially. It's like giving the school a $500 donation. The student body benefits by getting a shot of excitement in January and a taste of another culture.
Here are the biographies of the Argentinians coming - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hCy5l-VP5GMGJL2XwauhN-aCXdlHGxYa/view
We still need homes for Matias, Agustin, Valentina, Sofia, Anna, and Florencia.
Contact Chad Meitner if you are able to host a student - meitnerc@tmpmarian.org
Last night the Scholars Bowl team competed in the varsity tournament hosted by Garden City High School. The team finished the day with a 9-2 and 3rd place finish. A special thanks is due to the Garden City Scholars Bowl program for putting on an excellent tournament.
Please join us in celebrating the advent season at our Grotto Christmas Lighting Event! We will have hot cocoa, cookies, a live nativity scene, and singing by Monarch Music. The event will be on the 19th at 6:30 pm and the blessing/lighting will be at 7:30 pm.
(In the event of bad weather we will begin the event in the TMP dining hall)
TMP-Marian's very own Mr. Tom Meagher, asst. principal / business director, was a guest speaker in 6th Grade Personal Finance today. We learned about the revenue and expenses of our own school, and that just like a personal budget, we have to make good and responsible decisions about our money to keep the school's budget in balance. We are so very grateful for the many donors who make sure TMP-M can continue to offer excellent Catholic education! We are also say thank you to Mr. Meagher for coming to talk with us today.
Mr. Tucker Mall, of Bison Mutual, was a guest speaker in the 6th Grade Personal Finance class today. He shared about auto, life, and health insurance, and the students gained a wider perspective on all three areas. We thank Mr. Mall for making time for us!
The varsity Scholars Bowl team placed second at the tournament in Sterling.
Monarch 4 a Day is Jan. 16! Share with any interested families with students in the 5th-8th grades!
TMP-Marian will host a Financial Aid Workshop, at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 4th in the TMP-M Learning Commons.
This event will be most helpful for seniors and their parents, but any interested students and parents are invited to attend.
Topics for the evening will include financial aid categories, types and sources of financial aid and recent changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which is used for Federal grants and loans.
TMP-Marian será la anfitriona de un Taller de Ayuda Financiera, a las 6:30 p.m., el miércoles 4 de diciembre en el TMP-M Learning Commons.
Este evento será más útil para los estudiantes seniors y sus padres, pero cualquier estudiante y padre interesado está invitado a asistir.
Los temas de la noche incluirán categorías de ayuda financiera, tipos y fuentes de ayuda financiera y cambios recientes en la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) que se utiliza para subvenciones y préstamos federales.
The JV Scholars Bowl team competed in the tournament in Clay Center on Monday. The team finished the day with a 7-2 record and 3rd place finish.
TODAY IS THE DAY! Today is GivingTuesday, a time to give back to our local Catholic schools and parishes to help them provide the best service they can for our community. At Thomas More Prep-Marian we are proud to announce that due to your generous support this year, we have broken ground on our new Creative Learning Building which will provide a wider range of classes for our students. We couldn't have done it without your continued support!
Donations will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. tonight!
To donate please visit: https://www.hayscatholicschools.org/page/igivecatholic
Congratulations to Macara Rohr on her acceptance into the Theater Arts Preparatory School in Las Vegas. She has committed to the program and will attend this fall following graduation. We wish her much success in continuing her dance education and professional career.
These girls performed so well today!! The competition was tough and we didn't make the finals but pride was felt by both parents and coaches today! 💙
Good morning from State Cheer!! Send prayers for spirit and cheer today as our lady Monarchs perform at State Game Day in Topeka!! Go Big Blue!!
Boys and Girls at TMP-Marian both had separate off campus retreats yesterday with a variety of activities, speakers, and discussion. Thank you to the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Joe Pfannenstiel, and all TMP-M High faculty for making these spiritual retreats possible.