On September 1st, Bishop Vincke celebrated mass with the TMP-M students. Our second "All-School mass" incorporated all of our Monarch Music students, totaling more than 50 students in Junior High and High School.
The TMP-M front offices ladies showing their Monarch Pride! Go Buffs!
Every Friday, TMP-Marian students participate in Adoration through their Religion classes. During their time there, optional Confessions are available. The average is between 30-35 Confessions a week.
This past Friday, 65 Confessions were heard!
We very much appreciate the priests for their ministry. We also thank our priests, religious, and lay teachers who educate and inspire students to partake in the graces offered at the Sacrament of Confession.
Happy Birthday to the following students who turned 15 during the summer. Back row:
Stuco Reps Madelyn Rozean and Joey Mindrup along with students Ty Schmeidler, Max Gerstner, Karter Myers and Stuco Reps Evan Balthazor and Emma Basgall. Go Monarchs!
Happy Birthday to the following students who turned 15 during the summer. Back row: Stuco Reps Joey Mindrup and Evan Balthazor, students Kolby Olmstead, Brooklyn Werth, Emily Hipp, Raegan Allen, Nicole Schumacher, Jacob Schroeder. Front row: Reghan Byers, Yarely Lopez, Grace B Schmeidler, Addison Watson,
Claire Schippers, Stuco Reps Madelyn Rozean and Emma Basgall. Go Monarchs!
It takes all of us to spread awareness on the dangers of fentanyl. This week over 100 different organizations across Kansas joined efforts to ensure we are protecting our youth and state. #OnePillCanKIll
Parent Open House is Tonight
TMP-Marian parents of current students are invited to the open house at 6:30 p.m. Important information will be shared for about 20 minutes in the Dreiling Theater before parents are dismissed to follow their child's class schedule and meet their teachers. Parents' "school day" will end at 7:51 p.m. We hope to see you there!
Over 1,200 Kansans have tragically died of fentanyl poisoning, and the problem is only getting worse. Fake prescription pills are easy to get and are being sold to our youth at an alarming rate.
It is time communities, parents, healthcare providers, schools, businesses, and policymakers come together to advocate for action and decrease the number of fentanyl-related poisonings in Kansas.
For more resources, visit www.dea.gov. #OnePillCanKill
Are You Ready for Fall? Fall Sports Gate Workers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help keep the gate for our fall sports season. Any help would be appreciated! If you are able to volunteer please click this link https://tmp-m.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7d05bc4ed397689459d467c74&id=847af4b698&e=6ad0a55e22 .
The DEA has revealed 6 out of every 10 pills with fentanyl contain a potentially lethal dose. Just a tiny amount is enough to kill. The only safe medications come from licensed and accredited medical professionals. Pills purchased outside of a licensed pharmacy are illegal, dangerous, and potentially lethal. #OnePillCanKill
Americans need to understand the reality we are facing: children, through social media platforms like Snapchat, are able to purchase lethal doses of fentanyl often disguised as something else, including candy or illegal drugs. It only takes a small dose to be fatal #OnePillCanKill.
On-Line Streaming of TMP-M Sporting Events by HaysPost Now Has a Fee.
See pricing options below.
We are united in Kansas to fight back on one of the deadliest drugs our nation has ever seen. The Fentanyl crisis is not going away overnight- it will take all of us working together to raise awareness and take action. Follow along all week while we share resources and information on the crisis. #OnePillCanKill
Fentanyl poisoning has claimed the lives of more than 1,200 Kansans, a number that is sadly growing each day. The biggest myth when it comes to this epidemic is that ‘it can’t happen to me.’ As students across Kansas head back to school, it is imperative we join forces as a community to bring awareness to the realities of the fentanyl crisis and educate our children. #OnePillCanKIll
First Day of School Is Approaching!
Many preparations are under way, including the tuckpointing work on the front of TMP-Marian's beautiful building, as pictured here. All of these preparations whether physical, curricular, or spiritual are happening so that we can welcome all students next week. New student orientations are on Aug. 16 and the first day of school is Aug. 17.
TMP-Marian teachers and staff can't wait to see you!
First day of Fall Sports Practices is Monday, Aug. 14!
New Student/Parent Information Night is Tonight.
All new students and parents 6th-12th grade are invited to the information night at TMP-Marian at 6:30 p.m. The new JH students meet in the dining hall while parents gather in the Dreiling Theater. New HS students meet in the Learning Commons and parents also gather in the Dreiling Theater.
We're excited to introduce you to TMP-Marian! Topics include mission, programs, activities, and policy updates. There is even an optional session for parents about how to use 529s to help reduce the cost of your Hays Catholic Schools education. The event will conclude around 8 p.m.
Did you know you could get a $1,000 award for things like school supplies, academic camps, tutoring from a licensed tutor, or band instruments from a licensed organization.
There is no fee to apply and multiple students per household can apply! Even households that earn 300% above the federal poverty level qualify.
To see if you qualify and apply, visit - https://www.keep.ks.gov/lp/keep-apply-kansas-education-enrichment-program
Open House Tonight at TMP-Marian! Come-and-go to from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to check out the new JH classrooms, the upgraded weight room, and the Cripplegate project. New or potential families can check out it all!
Dirt work has commenced on the Cripplegate Field upgrade. Come to tomorrow's Open House at TMP-M to check this project out and much more, including the new weight room and 3rd floor classrooms. The July 19 Open House is come-and-go from 5:30-7:30 p.m., and all are welcome!
From 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 19, TMP-Marian will host an open house. All are welcome to come-and-go as desired. Both the high school and junior high will be open for visitors.
This is an event for new and returning students and their families as well as students and families considering TMP-Marian. Teachers and administrators will be available to visit and answer questions.
The new junior high classrooms, hallway and bathroom will be on display for the first time to the public. Also open will be the upgraded weight room, the TMP-M garden and the site of the future Creative Learning Building, so don't miss it!
De las 5:30 a las 7:30 p.m. el miércoles 19 de julio, TMP-Marian organizará una jornada de puertas abiertas. Todos son bienvenidos a ir y venir como se deseen. Tanto la escuela secundaria como la junior high estarán abiertas para los visitantes.
Este es un evento para estudiantes nuevos y que regresan y sus familias, así como para estudiantes y familias que están considerando TMP-Marian. Los maestros y administradores estarán disponibles para visitar y responder preguntas.
Las nuevas aulas de junior high, el pasillo y el baño se exhibirán por primera vez al público. También estará abierta la sala de pesas mejorada, el jardín TMP-M y el sitio del futuro Edificio de Aprendizaje Creativo, ¡así que no se lo pierdan!