At Holy Family Elementary, we have the most amazing faculty & staff. The commitment and dedication of those who work here is like no other. They walk in their faith every single day and love our students fiercely. Each and every one of them brings something unique to the table and we would not be the school we are without them.
When a member of our faculty & staff leaves, we are saddened and oftentimes feel like something is missing. But God never leaves us feeling that way for long. He brings us the exact person we need to fill that gap and make us whole again.
This year, God brought us Mrs. Jill Windholz. She comes to us with a background in physical education but has taken the leap into teaching in the Special Education department. She is a USD 489 employee who divides her time between us and TMP. She is excited for the new challenges ahead of her and we are here to cheer her on. We are happy to have her with us and we invite you to take a moment to get to know her and to welcome her on our social media.
Name: Jill Windholz
Position at HFE: SPED Teacher
Tell me about your family (parents, siblings, significant other, children, etc): I grew up south of Victoria and am living with my parents while we build there. I am married to Kenny and we have two children. Jaxson is 22 and lives in Kansas City and Maggie is 19 and attends FHSU.
Tell me about your previous work experience: I have been in Ellsworth the last 25 years. I was the Recreation Director there for 2 years and have been teaching Physical Education for the past 20 years in Ellsworth.
Tell me about your hobbies, extracurricular activities, what you like to do outside of work: I love spending time with my family. Working out and running is also an important part of my life.
Tell me why you are excited to work at HFE: I am so excited for this new chapter and challenge! I have had many nieces, nephews and cousins come through HFE and I know what a great school it is.
Describe the personality trait you think you have that will best support HFE and our faculty & staff: I love building relationships with students. They are the reason I love education.
If you could add any course to the school curriculum, what would it be: Stress management/health. Times are so crazy for students and staff, everyone needs skills to cope with the craziness.
If you could add another room to your house, what would it be: A workout room.
If you could bottle up anything from nature and sell it, what would it be: The smell of a rainstorm.