[Hays, KS, July 30, 2021] In February of 2021, a survey was conducted to gather the input of our Catholic school families regarding the movement of the sixth grade to TMP-Marian. This survey asked for input regarding the support for the move as well as its timing.
The impetus for this discussion was generated by two needs; what is best for our students and what is best for the overall growth of our schools, growth that will provide enhanced learning opportunities for students as well as accommodate future students wishing for the mission of Catholic education.
The results of the survey confirmed administrative beliefs that our Catholic schools are best set for educational success and growth by moving sixth grade to join with the Junior High at TMP-Marian. This movement will gather students with peers at similar stages of social-emotional development and align our Hays Catholic Schools with the traditional model of other K-12 school systems; grade school, middle school and high school, thus allowing for growth opportunities at both Holy Family and TMP-Marian.
The summer of 2021 has marked the beginning of a new strategic planning effort for the Hays Catholic Schools that is focused on the vision for the next 20 years. While this planning is in the early stages, the movement of the sixth grade has been confirmed. This transition is supported but with the expectation that it is done with adequate time to meet all student and capital needs. That being said, this transition will not take place until after the 2022-23 school year. More specifics regarding the movement will be announced at the 2022 State of Our Catholic Schools address.
Thank you for your continued trust and support of our Catholic schools. All decisions are made determined on what is best for our current students and the future success of the mission of Catholic education. Please reach out to either Principal, Mrs. Wentling or Mr. Meitner with any questions or concerns.