[Hays, KS, July 28, 2021] As the Hays Catholic Schools, Holy Family Elementary and Thomas More Prep-Marian are preparing to begin the 2021-22 academic year, the following guidelines are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the schools and maintain in-person instruction.
At this time, the use of facial coverings within our school buildings is optional and those wishing to wear masks and other facial coverings will be supported. The vaccination policy regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is a per family decision. Students and staff are not required to be vaccinated as this decision is best left to the discretion of each family.
As of this statement, there are no quarantine restrictions in place for close contacts of those that are COVID-19 positive. If a student or staff member is COVID-19 positive, they are asked to isolate and abide by the Ellis County Health Department guidelines.
These school guidelines are based on the current information provided by the Ellis County Health Department and are subject to change. We ask that each family stay educated on the spread of the COVID-19 virus and make decisions based on what is best for your family and the whole of our Catholic school community.
Our Hays Catholic schools will continue to implement enhanced hygiene practices and refer to county health and medical experts to ensure the safest learning environment for our students and staff.