Mark your calendars for the 2021 Back 2 School-Bash! Join Holy Family Elementary and TMP-Marian on Friday, August 20th, from 4:00 to 10:00 PM for an afternoon of activities that will inspire a sensational start to the new school year.
Events include a prayer service in the Grotto, a Hot Dog Feed, Bounce Houses, laser tag, Fun Run, Dunk Tank, Snow Cones, Watermelon Feed, Sports Clinics, performances from the TMP-M cheerleading squad, and the night will end with a street dance and food truck for all to enjoy! Canned goods for the St. Joseph Food Pantry will be collected at the Hot Dog Feed.
Get yourself out to the TMP-Marian Campus on August 2oth! Anyone who loves our Catholic Schools is welcome! #foreveramonarch #futuremonarchs