Cajetan Cash Parent Information Raffle Prize Fundraiser Money

Cajetan Cash Selling Period

August 30th - September 29th 

Raffle Drawing

Held on Friday, October 13th, 2023, 2:45 pm at the HFE Gym

You are welcome to attend in person or view live on our HFE Facebook Page

You do not need to be present to win

Raffle Prizes





Ticket Price


Ticket sales end on September 29th, 2023

Tickets can be purchased online  HERE

Purchaser must be 18 years age or older

Purchase receipts will be emailed to the buyer

Make checks payable to HFE

Proceeds support Holy Family Elementary School

License # RAF000171

Two ways to sell tickets:

  1. Online-share your student's fundraising page and the purchaser completes payment online.  (Nothing for you to log or turn in!)
  2. Offline-record offline sales on the sales log found in your packet and on your student's online fundraising page. Send your sales log with cash/checks to the school office in an envelope marked "Cajetan Cash." 

Logging offline sales

Record offline sales on the physical sales log you received in your Cajetan Cash packet. Then go to your student's online page and record the sales there too. Click Reports on the top menu bar, then click Add Offline Donation on the top right. The sales will not be added to your goal until funds are received and verified by HFE.

Student Prizes

  1.  For every 10 tickets sold, the student is entered into four drawings. They can win cash prizes or a Pizza & Glow Bowl Party
  2. Highest seller in each class receives $25
  3. The classroom with the highest sales wins a Movie Day
  4. Each student who sells 50+ tickets will receive a Taco Shop lunch at school

In order for your student to be entered into the "10 Tickets Sold/3 Cash or Bowling Party" prize, students MUST turn in their packets every week to be entered into every weekly prize. Dates for returning packets for these prizes are as follows: 9/13/23, 9/20/23, 9/27/23, 10/13/23.

Set up your student's Fundraising Page

  1. Visit
  2. Click Student Registration
  3. Enter the parent's email address, click Next
  4. Enter the student's first and last name, create a password, and click Register
  5. Enter the student's address
  6. Under "Student Seller", select the student's classroom, click Next
  7. If you only have one HFE student, click Complete Registration, if you have another student to register, click Register Another Member
  8. Click Add UserTo My Account
  9. Enter the student's name and account information
  10. Select the student's classroom, click Save 
  11. Repeat steps 9&10 until you have registered all of your students

After completing the registration process, you will have the option to add a photo or create a personal URL to send to friends and family.

Please allow up to 24 hours for your student's web page to be activated. You will receive a confirmation email once it's activated.

Quick tip-when you are logged into your account, you can switch between students by clicking the circle (with your student's initials) in the top right corner.


Feel free to call the office or reach out to the Cajetan Cash committee via email at